
Gratefully serving our community

Let one of our Certified Ayurvedic Practitioners help you find your “natural constitution” or Prakruti, which represents what your individual body type and mind type have been throughout your life. 

Vikruti, on the other hand means “imbalance”, which represents your symptoms or ailments you may be experiencing and looking to resolve.

 After your initial consultation, custom treatments will be provided to help nourish, balance and restore one’s mind-body function. 

Centered around age-old Indian wellness principles from the leaders of modern Ayurveda, OM Herbal offers therapeutic massage, steam and oil treatments, and cleansing Panchakarma programs.


We offer custom Ayurvedic facials and Hair treatments. Ayurveda believes our external beauty is a result of harmony/balance of mind and inner body. Come find your inner glow!

Welcome to OmHerbal your gateway of Natural-healing through Ayurveda.
Ayurveda, “The Science of Life.” , originating in India more than 5,000 years ago, which believes:
A Balanced life is a Healthy Life; Prevention is More Important than Curing.